Conservative Dental Treatment

Conservative Dental Treatment

Maintaining healthy tooth structure is very important because there is no better alternative to eating than your own natural teeth. Healthy teeth are naturally designed to resist the forces of biting, chewing and tearing apart your food.

If you haven't lost any teeth, you'll grind and chew your food more effectively for better digestion and nutrition. Studies have shown that retaining more of your natural teeth into old age is linked to longer life.

In this regard, conservative dentistry is of great importance in dental treatment. In this context, the conservative treatment method leaves behind the remaining healthy tooth structure in the restorative stage.

Instead, they focus only on removing teeth that they think are damaged or unnecessary. It consists of minimally invasive procedures. Conservative dentistry offers solutions that preserve the natural tooth structure as much as possible to solve the problem.


Conservative Dental Treatment

With conservative dental treatment, unnecessary loss of healthy tooth structure is prevented. This treatment method focuses on restorative or cosmetic dental treatment while preserving your healthy tooth structure as much as possible.

Preventive oral care and treatment primarily prevents healthy teeth from being damaged by decay and cavities. Important treatment systems performed by conservative dentistry also aim at this.

In general, aggressive tooth preparation such as excessive scraping, abrasion or drilling of a cavity in other treatment methods destroys your healthy tooth structure. In fact, it eliminates most of them irreversibly.

Conservative dental treatment aims to preserve as many teeth as possible. It ensures that the structural integrity of your remaining natural tooth structure remains intact. This provides a stronger foundation for restoration. It also reduces the risk of failure of your restoration.


What is Conservative Treatment?

Conservative dental treatment is a practice based on providing results with the use of minimally invasive procedures. These treatments are described as nonsurgical procedures, or procedures with small specialized equipment that can limit damage to healthy flesh while relieving anxiety.

Generally, no surgical approach is used in treatment preferences. Instead, it is performed to address surface problems, remove decayed tissue as part of a restoration, or adjust the alignment or placement of existing teeth.

Conservative treatment types; It includes methods such as new and replacement fillings, crowns, bridges, root canal treatment, and gum disease treatment. It is the prevention and treatment of tooth enamel and tooth cavity. Operative dentistry ensures that dental health is brought to a functional and aesthetic level.


Conservative Treatment Methods

Generally, treatments applied in conservative treatment methods are the most requested cosmetic dental treatments. Neither requires recovery time and does not require surgery. In this regard, it produces great results to improve your smile. If you are unhappy with your smile, conservative treatment options are ideal.

Teeth Whitening: It is a minimally invasive procedure to minimize tooth stains and brighten smiles. Teeth whitening focuses precisely on the enamel layer. It does not involve the removal or damage of any tooth structure. It is an excellent method for discoloration treatment.

Root Canal Treatment: It is an approach that reduces the amount of removed or affected dentin, pulp and root canals in order to properly clean the internal tooth. Laser dentistry, appropriate irrigation systems and cone beam tomography contribute greatly to the procedure by providing an accurate diagnosis. During root canal treatment, the dentist must remove the diseased pulp and make the necessary fillings, this process is called endodontic treatment.

Dental Bonding: As an alternative method to repair tooth structures, it helps with the need for tooth extraction or extensive enamel removal. The bonding material used adheres to the enamel of the tooth. It enables the reshaping of the tooth surface. It also eliminates the need for restorations such as crowns and inlays.

Microabrasion: It aims to remove tooth enamel to a minimum level. It helps repair damaged surfaces. It also creates porous space for dental bonding and filling materials. Microabrasion is considered a conservative treatment.


What is Conservative Dentistry?

Getting dental treatment can be scary for patients with severe tooth decay. It can also be difficult for dentists to establish trust with patients. However, one of the ways this can be combated is by having conservative dental treatments. Conservative dental treatment has become popular in dentistry in the last few years.

Most importantly, this treatment gains patients' trust with a conservative approach. Conservative dentistry is performed using invasive methods. In conservative teeth, healthy tooth structures are preserved. It statistically improves overall treatment and helps patients smile.


What is Conservative?

Conservative; It is a treatment performed in dental treatment without applying surgical or invasive procedures. Conservative treatment also means drug treatment. It is a treatment method used only to relieve or eliminate disease symptoms. It is also used as symptomatic treatment.

If it is to be used as a word in the field of conservative medicine; If the patient is to remain conservative, it means that the patient will not undergo surgery. In this context, biopsy is not performed, imaging and other methods are used to make a diagnosis. With conservative dentistry, dentists dealing with complex dental problems can find solutions without damaging healthy tooth structures.


Conservative Treatment Price

In general, conservative treatment prices vary depending on each hospital, doctor or treatment. Accordingly, the prices of treatment in a comprehensive hospital and in a small clinic will differ.

However, the patient's dental condition is another factor that affects the price. If treatment is to be done for a very decayed tooth, higher prices will occur. Instead, prices are more affordable for dental treatments with less decay.

This treatment provides patients with alternative treatment methods. It gives them better financial options and a better option for insurance coverage. This treatment method, which ensures the preservation of healthy dental structures, helps patients smile during this process.


Conservative Before After

Conservative, when placed in the right conditions, provides many changes for patients. This treatment provides patients with minimally invasive treatment methods. With this treatment, not only the dental health problems of the patients are treated. In addition, it has many important consequences.

Because this treatment focuses on finer details in dental care, it produces more natural-looking smiles. It is also more aesthetic than normal treatment methods. It improves oral health and provides comprehensive dental care for years to come. Smiles that feel more natural are achieved.